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Description FNaF World is a spin-off RPG based off of the indie horror series Five Nights at Freddy's.You explore a large world filled with secrets, and hidden parts pertaining to the overall Five Nights at Freddy's lore. You can have a party of up to eight members, all of which are characters from different parts of the Five Nights at Freddy's games up until the fourth game. FNAF world打彩虹. 正在缓冲 播放器初始化 [完成] 加载用户配置 [完成] This is an update log sub-page related to FNaF World. 1 1.019 2 1.02 3 1.021 4 1.022 5 1.023 6 1.024 7 1.10 8 1.20 9 1.21 10 1.24 Initial release version. Changes unknown Changes unknown Changes in Update 1.022 are listed below: Phantom Mangle's description now alternates between "he" and "she"; previously it was only "he". Changes in Update 1.023 are listed below: Pressing "Tab" will show the FNAF World Game is a role-playing video game, whose plot is about the journey to rescue the world of Freddy bear and his companions. This is a new spin-off of the game franchise Five Nights at Freddy’s. Gameplay of Fnaf World: Use W, A, S, D buttons to navigate + A: move to the left + D: move to the right + W: move up or advance + S: move
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